Friday, March 26, 2010

Almost gave in to laziness today

Good Evening!  I was completely miserable this morning and had absolutely no desire to exercise.  My shins, back and right hip hurt.  I thought the draggy butts yesterday were bad but they doubled today.  My liquid intake was not as good as it should have been today.  I only got in about 90oz of water compared to the 150oz I have been getting.  My eating was good until late afternoon then slipped a little.
On break at 10:15am I came home and it was all I could do to hold my eyes open...geeez I wanted to go to bed bad.  I did get a quick 15 minute power nap before heading back to work for PM route.  While waiting at EMS for school to dismiss another driver "K" came to the bus and asked if I wanted to walk for a few minutes.  She could tell by the look on my face that I wasn't motivated so she said come on lets go.  Five or ten minutes is five or ten minutes so I'm glad she grabbed me.
Once again at the Elementary School I was putting off making my 10 or 15 minute layover productive.  I kept telling myself that I would workout after work while I waited for Doug to come get me since he had my car. After that thought I decided maybe I just wasn't up to it today... maybe just take a day off...maybe.  The justification process has
When I finally finished work I told myself " Cheri you need to do this even if just a slow walk instead of fast...just do something".  All I could think of were my aches and pains and how worn out I was feeling, but you will be happy to know that I saw the light!  Yes I just DID IT!  I walked next door to Emporia Fitness and got on that treadmill all by myself and got my butt moving and I felt better.  I kept think good for you Cheri you didn't let the draggy butts win.  I got my time in on the treadmill and the recumbent cross trainer too. (Cheri pats herself on the back)
This is not easy and and it hurts but I shall overcome these stupid little bumps in the road and keep walking to reach my goal.  It has been almost exactly a month since I started my change in life my nutrition and exercise with the help of my Go Wear Fit arm band and I have now lost 11.5lbs.  That put me just under 3lbs fat loss a week with my goal being 2lbs a week so i am just above my mark and slowly plugging along. 

Here are yesterdays final numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 5000 steps and 30 min moderate exercise

Actual for 3/25/2010: 3776 calories burned, 9,169 steps, 75 min moderate exercise and 8 min vigorous exercise 


  1. Good for you Cheri! I am proud of you!


  2. I am impressed! Keep on walking.
