Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stability Ball for Office Chair

Good evening!  I could sure tell today that I have pushed hard the last couple of days.  My legs from top to bottom ached.  I have to tell you what we did at work today.  Three of us ladies will be using stability balls as chairs in the office.  I already had a ball and my hubby brought it in to work and we took turns trying it out.  at lunch time we made a run to walmart and they both bought their own.  It made for a fun afternoon inflating those balls and enjoying the comfort of them.  We will have to see how I do for a whole day tomorrow sitting on one... will be working the "core".
This afternoon I did things a little different at the gym again.  I have been feeling extra tired and was worried I wouldn't make my exercise targets today.  Here is what I did:

Treadmill - 30 minutes
Recumbent Cross-trainer - 1 hour
Treadmill - 30 minutes

As you can tell it was very different.  After the initial treadmill I planned to do the recumbent cross-trainer then the elliptical but someone was on them.  I decided it would be fine to just walk it out for another 30 minutes then I would go to the elliptical.  I never made it because I got picked up early and only got 2 hours at the gym instead of 2.5hrs.
Tomorrow the gym will close to the public at 3pm because they have a special group coming in.  I will only get 1 hour in tomorrow so I will have to try and find a way to do something else to burn some calories.  Well it was a good day today.  Have a great evening and I will be checking in later.

Here are yesterdays numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/22/2010: 4474 calories burned, 19832 steps, 1 hr 51 min moderate exercise and 56 min vigorous exercise

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Intervals during exercise

 Okay so I woke up this morning really feeling the effects from yesterdays exercise but honestly don't get it.  I didn't exercise any harder than normal and I didn't even get as much time in as I do at other times.  I was on a website last night and read where I should probably do more intervals during exercise switching back and forth between intense and mild.  Guess what I did... yup I did intervals. 

As usual after work I headed for the gym and here is what I did:

Treadmill - 35 minutes ( incline 1 then 5 with four minutes between each change)
Recumbent Cross-Trainer - 30 minutes (resistance 5 the 7 with five minutes between each change)
Ergo-Meter - 20 minutes (10 at 60 and 10 at 90)
Elliptical - 30 minutes ( resistance 1 then 2 with ten minutes between changes)
Recumbent bike - 30 minutes (resistance 5 then 7 with four minutes between changes)

This was a nice change of pace and as you can tell I changed up the order.  I don't know if this will really make a different on how my body deals with the calorie burn but I guess we will see.  I read that your body gets used to the same thing every time and that it will stop burning calories the same as it usually does, it will still burn just not as efficiently.  The article said to keep your body confused by doing the intervals and doing different exercises etc.  Your body will start burning calories better again.
I had a really good day.  Good eating habits and plenty of fruits and veggies and water.  I hope to see a change on the scale soon.  I need more rest but it's not happening so I tend to try and make up for the lack of sleep on the weekends.  Well no exciting clothing issues today so all went well.  Hope your day was as good as mine.  I'm tired now so I'm gonna hit the hay.... chat tomorrow.

Here are yesterdays numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/21/2010: 3956 calories burned, 18515 steps, 1 hr 46 min moderate exercise and 34 min vigorous exercise

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lost my pants today

Well hello there... how was your day?  My day was good from start to finish.  I really felt bad today because I didn't get any exercise in yesterday.  I want to keep Sunday's as rest but I want to exercise so I don't sit around and eat crap I shouldn't be eating.  Hummm what to do what to do.
Well off to work i went feeling good this morning.  I spent all eight hours sitting at the computer working and just didn't get much walking, moving around or anything.  I ate plenty of fruits and veggies as well as all of my water for the day.  My eating habits overall was very good.
I need to call the Dr. tomorrow because my hair is falling out and my voice is hoarse etc.  This is usually a sign that my thyroid meds need to be upped because my thyroid has shut down more.  The confusing thing is that I have been exercising regularly and eating better as well as losing weight so why would my thyroid get worse instead of better?  Who knows but I have had the draggy butts lately too.  The other thought is that maybe I have just plain shocked my thyroid into completely stopping.  I have had my thyroid meds upped like 2 or 3 times in last year or so.
So after work I went to the gym by myself to exercise.  I thought I felt pretty good and seemed to have a good amount of energy but boy I had a hard time making my vigorous exercise target.  I did all the same levels and speeds and I was huffing and puffing but just wasn't quite up to vigorous like I usually am.  I must have been more worn out than I thought I was.  I ended up with two minutes of vig from the treadmill and  four minutes from the ergo-meter and another four from the elliptical so when I got to the recumbent cross-trainer I fought and fought and fought to reach 30 minutes.  I made it but it wasn't without a struggle.  Here is what I got in exercise today.

Treadmill - 30 minutes
Ergo-meter - 30 minutes
Elliptical - 30 minutes
Recumbent Cross-Trainer - 45 minutes

Okay so do you want to hear my embarrassing moment for the day?  I was on the elliptical and about 10 minutes into my 30 minutes when I felt something on my backside.  I thought it was just the seam in my exercise pants so I ignored it.  After another 5 minutes or so it became a greater sensation so I reach my hand back only to find out that my pants were almost completely off of my butt.  If that wasn't bad enough I had not one, not two but three men and one lady on the treadmills behind me.  OMG I am so embarrassed!  I probably scarred those young men for life.  So now that I know what's going on I still have fifteen more minutes on the elliptical and I'm fighting to reach my vig. target for the day while trying to hold my pants up.  So here is my question.  Is it a good sign of weight loss when you exercise and lose your pants at the gym?  Lol  I just couldn't look back at them to see the looks on thier faces I tried really hard to just face forward and pretend nothing had happened.  Boy will they have a story to tell, it's just a good thing I had unders
I always feel a sense of accomplishment when I leave the gym and sometimes I feel like staying until I absolutely can't go anymore but I do have a family at home so I have to leave.  It does feel good to take care of myself though.  Well it's time to say goodnight.  I hope your days was as good as mine...just keep your shorts on and all will be good.  Have a great evening chat with you later.  My numbers for yesterday are rather scary.

Here are yesterdays numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/20/2010: 2230 calories burned, 846 steps, 0 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Break Day...

Happy Father's Day to the men who read my blog!  I hope you had a very nice day. 
I decided that I was going to try and keep Sundays as a day off and just relax for the week ahead.  With that said I'm not going to say I won't exercise at all once in a while on Sunday but I am going to try to keep it as a day of rest.  I did just that today.  I didn't do any more than I actually had  We spent quality time as a family and watched movies etc.
Because I sat on my butt most of the day I didn't eat as well as I should and nor did I drink as much water as I needed.  I really struggle with staying on task when I have a break day.  How do I do what I am supposed to do if I'm taking a break?  I don't know.  What I do know is that it's a constant battle for me to eat and drink correctly and especially when I am sitting around bored.
There is just not much to share today but I will be glad to go to work tomorrow and be on regular routine.  Why is it this weight loss thing is so easy for some people and so hard for others?  I think it's a trial and test sent to me by Heavenly Father.  He must be preparing me for something and this is what I must master in order to succeed at what he has in store for me.  Sorry not trying to preach just kinda thinking aloud.
My life tends to be an unorganized mess and I want things to calm down and smooth out for once.  Will it happen?  I doubt it, my life will never be smooth and easy because I wouldn't learn if it wasn't rough.  I will just keep getting up and brushing those knees of mine off and going again.  Well it's past my bedtime so I'm outta here for the night.  Sweet dreams and I will check in again tomorrow.  Have a good one!

Here are yesterdays numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/19/2010: 3734 calories burned, 13220 steps, 46 min moderate exercise and 48 min vigorous exercise

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Not as much time at the gym

Good Evening... how was your day?  If everyone prepared for Father's Day tomorrow?  I hope so.  Well I got to sleep in this morning which i really needed.  I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open last night while I was writing my blog.  It has been a good day.
Janessa and Jamison had bowling league at 10AM so I dropped them off and headed for Emporia Fitness.  When I got there I was called over my three elderly ladies that I visit with every two or three days while at the gym.  They are very interested in my armband and how it's working for me.  One lady mentioned it to the other two and I got to explain all about it.  They encouraged me to keep up the good work and that they were proud of me.  I told them I was proud of them and that seeing them there helps me stay motivated.  So after chatting with them for a few I lost about 15 minutes of exercise time but it was a sacrifice that was worth it.

Here is what I got in:

Treadmill - 30 minutes
Ergo-Meter - 20 minutes
Elliptical - 30 minutes
Recumbent Cross-Trainer - 15 minutes

I really needed more time at the gym but was happy to have had time for that.  My kids finished about 20 minutes earlier than I had planned.  We planned to go to the Olpe Lake later after Janaya got off work.  Well we arrived at the lake shortly before 3PM and spent a little over 2 hours there.  It was a nice warm days and I managed to get a little sun.  I sure wish the armband was waterproof because I hate that it doesn't record what a person doesn't in the water.
My eating has not been very good today.  Seems like everything was high calorie today.  I tried to be careful but not sure how well I did.  I did drink plenty of water so that was a plus.  I may decide to go to the gym again tomorrow if I have time.  I still need to make up for the days I was gone this week. 

Here are yesterdays numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/18/2010: 4398 calories burned, 20624 steps, 1hr 28 min moderate exercise and 1 hr 14 min vigorous exercise

Friday, June 18, 2010

Back to Routine

Good Evening!  I was back to my normal summer work schedule today and it was nice being back in the swing of things.  I had a lot of fun while out of town for Bus Road-e-o but it's always nice to be back home.  Life never stops and you just pick up where you left off as if you had never been gone.
I was up and awake on time and at work by 6AM.  I packed my gym clothes so I could go to the gym after work.  I was happy to be working on my Special Needs Program and PowerPoint.  I made some good progress with it and my day went by really fast. My two daughter's met me when I got off to go to the gym.  Janessa had somewhere to be so she ended up just going to Dollar General for a few before her ride showed up but Janaya and I hit the gym.  After a little over an hour Janaya took off and I was on my own as usual.  Here is what I did at the gym today:

Treadmill - 30 minutes
Ergo-Meter - 20 minutes
Elliptical - 30 minutes
Recumbent Cross-Trainer - 45 minutes
Technical Trainer - 5 minutes
Recumbent Bike 10 minutes 

I felt good when I left and wish I had more time to workout.  My Eating was good today, not wonderful but good.  I drank plenty of fluids and especially water.  I am happy to report that I was able to maintain my weight loss while I was gone for three days. I am home for a week before I leave for a whole week to work related training class.  When you see my numbers for yesterday you will see I didn't do much of anything.  I do plan to keep pushing hard, hitting the gym and making good food decisions.  I'm in this for the long run and my next short term goal is to be down a total of 50 lbs by August 12th when schools starts back up.  I think that's a reasonable goal.  I hope you have had a great day and are reaching your own personal goals.  Keep plugging along.

Here are yesterdays numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/17/2010: 2643 calories burned, 3528 steps, 12 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day three Road-e-o and coming home

Okay so yesterday was a good day from start to finish.  If you read my last post you know why. We were supposed to be awake and down for our first meeting at 8AM this morning.  Guess what.... yeah I was late.  My cellphone wasn't completely plugged in and it went dead so my alarm never sounded and my boss has to come wake my roommate and I.  That didn't make brownie  She said she was beginning to worry because it wasn't like me to not be down there early.  She said since I placed at state I would be forgiven this time.  I'm so glad I have such a wonderful boss.
We went over to changes in State Regulations and laws etc.  A big topic was the new texting law and how it would affect our CDL's.  It's sounds to me like the rules and guidelines will be tightening their belts.  Soon those who violate the laws will lose their CDL.  I feel this is a good thing.  I like know those on the highway's in big rigs as well as buses deserve to be there and that they are doing their best to follow the law.  Okay off the soapbox.
Meetings were over at noon so we ate lunch and headed home.  Eating today hasn't been too bad but water intake has been horrible.  I have barely done anything since I got home beside just chill and be  I look forward to hitting that gym hard tomorrow and continuing my journey.  I posted some pics on here today.  I looked for pics from before I started my BodyMedia Fit and didn't have much to choose from... guess I had been avoiding the camera.  Any who.... check out the pics and see what you think.  I am seeing the change.  I do still have a long way to go but I'm feeling good.  Tomorrow is back to work as usual so I need to head for bed.  I hope you have enjoyed the last few days and I will drop in again tomorrow.

Here are yesterdays numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/16/2010: 3630 calories burned, 9047 steps, 1hr 0 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise

Day Two of Bus Road-e-o

Okay so I know this is late but I will post about yesterday then tonight I will post again about today.  I was up and headed for the course before 5AM.  McDonald's made us late getting to the course but we still had plenty of time to get everything set up and ready for the day.  The second half of our group showed up about 6:30AM. 
Okay so here is how the day went from there.  Conventional buses went first then the transit buses and lastly the mini buses.  We drive our buses through an obstacle course consisting of ten events.  Here is the list:

1. Back up Alley
2. Parallel Parking
3. Offset Alley
4. Right Turn
5. Curb-line
6. Straight Line
7. Railroad Crossing
8. Student Load
9. Stop Line
10. Inside Judge

Please keep in mind that all of these events are not typical... you are within inches of barriers and stanchions.  This requires precision, technique and skill and boosts the confidence of every driver that participates.
I drive in the conventional division and was contestant #47.  My inside judge was Highway Patrol officer Thompson.  I blew two whole events and wasn't feeling good about my performance in representing USD #253 Emporia. 
Most of the events I felt like I did okay but I blew two of them and I knew would put me out of the running for 1st or 2nd place.  I placed 2nd in State Competition last year and was hoping to head for Nationals this year but this wasn't my year... maybe next year.  I love going to State Bus Safety Competition each year.  I learn a ton and meet a lot of people and it's a great opportunity to to learn and grow as a School Bus Driver. It's all about safety and we have fun doing it.  Patty and I played in the water with two little girls after a 20 minutes storm, it was great!  We got cooled off, smiled, laughed and entertained all who were around us.  Okay so maybe we embarrassed them but ohh well they will
After the competition I was interviewed by the Salina Journal and was in their paper this morning.  Here is the link for anyone wanting to check it out.

The time came for awards and the banquet.  The hotel served a great meal and KSPTA (Kansas State Pupil Transportation Association) always does a good job of making the evening a memorable one.  When they got to my category I was truly amazed when they called my name for placing 5th.  It's a great honor to know that of those that compete I have worked hard and represented my school district well.
After the banquet and awards they held a dance and Elvis made his appearance.  The dance is always great fun.  By the time this was over it was midnight so I went to bed instead of doing this post.
Okay so my eating for the day wasn't good but I did try watch my calorie intake as much as possible.  The exercise I did was just walking back and fourth at the course and hotel.  Sorry there wasn't much about my weight loss today.

Here are yesterdays numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/15/2010: 3726 calories burned, 10964 steps, 1hr 16 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First Day of Bus Road-e-o

Well it's been a very long long day today.  I was up at 5AM as usual and at work by 6AM.  We left for Salina at 7AM.  It's been a day of conference talks and testing and frustration.  Let me explain.  We had meetings and went over rules and guidelines for the driving course tomorrow and a luncheon.  Then we took a written test and a defect bus and a surprise test.  I aced the defect bus and surprise test and thought I did pretty good on the written until I heard last years winning talking now I'm not so sure how I did on the written exam.  We won't get the results from it until tomorrow evening. 
So after finishing with all of that close to 6 PM we ran to walmart to get snacks etc for tomorrow.  We were supposed to be at a 40yr celebration at 7PM.  I ended up stuck in our room waiting for maintenance to fix our AC.  It was broke and after over an hour they finally put my roommate and I in a different room.  Finally made it downstairs to the party and it wasn't all that great so about 9:45PM headed back to my room to write this and hit the sack.  I have to be up and out on the course at 5AM tomorrow morning.
My eating wasn't great today but although I didn't have time for exercise I managed to get some steps and moderate exercise in.  I will be happy if I can just maintain my weight loss this week without gaining any extra.  well I'm needing to get to bed so nothing really special today.  I hope you had a good day.

Here are yesterdays numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/14/2010: 4971 calories burned, 21127 steps, 54 min moderate exercise and 1hr 38 min vigorous exercise

Monday, June 14, 2010

I have a Confession...

I had a great day!  Boy did we have a big storm overnight.  A third of our road was washed away so I'm sure the county will be out over the next few days replacing gravel and fixing the road.  Here comes the flood waters again.  By this afternoon on the way home we had to go the long way around again...grr.  Well I guess thats what we get for living high but being surrounded by lower ground that floods.
This morning at work we practiced for our bus driving competition that starts tomorrow then I worked in the office doing inventory of summer supplies and working on my Special Needs Program power point that needs to be done by mid July.  It was a good day and it went really fast.
I have a confession.... I ate lunch at the Pizza Ranch today with a friend.  I couldn't pass up the invite from a friend so yes I ate too much fat, grease and calories at lunch.  But I made up for it by eating a Spinach salad for supper.  Baby spinach, raspberries and  Kraft light raspberry vinaigrette dressing....mmmm good, only about 120 calories on the high side.  I drank a great amount of water but did have a soda pop today.
I had a pretty decent calorie burn today before I ever made it to the gym.  Gym time was great!  I ended up with more vigorous than moderate and will be excited to share my final numbers with you tomorrow evening on today's workout. Here is what I did today:

Treadmill - 30 minutes @ 3.8 (2 miles)
Ergo-Meter - 20 minutes @ 60 (30 is hardest)
Elliptical - 30 minutes 2.18 miles
Recumbent Cross-Trainer- 30 minutes @ 6 (highest 10)

I have continued doing the 3.8 on the treadmill since Friday or Saturday and I'm still reaching vigorous much quicker.  Now that I'm doing that I make the 2 mile mark in 30 minutes almost exactly to the second.  I moved much faster on the elliptical today.  I haven't reached 2 miles in 30 minutes but once and I had to go over by about a minute but today I bumped up my pace and cleared 2 miles plus in 30 minutes...yay me!  I can feel myself getting stronger and can't wait to see where I will be in a month from now.
My workouts over the next three days will be drastically different so I may not reach my targets due to being at a work conference and just not having the time or good equipment to use.  Wish me luck.  I will do my best to keep up with some sort of exercise and my blog at night before bed.
Well I better get headed for bed because I have a long trip and then several tests tomorrow and then the driving course on Wednesday.  Keep working hard towards your goals and I will see you soon...take care.

 Here are yesterdays numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/13/2010: 2897 calories burned, 2627 steps, 10 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise

Sunday Break Day

I woke up this morning and realized that I failed to blog yesterday so here it is.  Not much happened on Sunday.  I got up and went to church and then cam home and just relaxed.  I worked hard all week so I decided that I would take a break and rest my body.
What I notice is that when I sit around and do nothing I do want to eat more plus I drink less water.  Guess that's why we shouldn't take too many breaks from our routine.  I also notice that my joints are stiff and achy when they haven't been utilized properly with some good ole fashioned exercise.  I did do some stretches  and I have some 3 lb. dumbells at home I used while stretching.  It wasn't much but I felt I need to do a little something so I didn't feel guilty for sitting on my caboose all  Well I will post on today later this evening and until then I will leave you with my stats from Saturday.  Have a great day!

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/12/2010: 4394 calories burned, 18614 steps, 1 hr 17 min moderate exercise and 1 hr 17 min vigorous exercise

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Down 30 lbs.!!!

Good Evening!  I made it, I have now lost 30 lbs!I wanted to lose 30 lbs before going to bus road-e-o on Tuesday.  I am technically still 5 lbs behind where I should be but all things considering I am very happy with where I'm at.  I still have Sat., Sun. and Mon. to go so we'll see where I am by then.  I am working extremely hard to fight back and I'm just plain excited about my achievements.
I was up at 6:30am on a Saturday, what was I  I had a chance to sleep in as I usually try to do on the weekends but I was up and getting ready to head for Emporia Fitness.  Janaya and I thought they opened at 7am but they didn't open until 8am so she made me buy her  We were sitting there ready for them to open the doors at 8am.
You know by now that I go straight for the treadmill first thing and then I go to the other machines from there.  I learned something today though.  Never should I wait and do the elliptical towards the end of my workout, I thought I was gonna die before that first 10 minutes was over.  Here is how my workout went:

Treadmill - 35 minutes
Recumbent Cross-Trainer - 30 minutes
Ergo-Meter - 30 minutes
Elliptical - 30 minutes
Recumbent Bike - 20 minutes

I typically go to the ergo-meter after the treadmill then to the elliptical and then the cross-trainer but there was a guy on the ergo-meter so I was forced to change my order.  I think I would have been better off doing the elliptical and then the ergo-meter but I survived and check out my times.  Yes I did a second day in a row at 30 minutes on the elliptical and I upped my time from 20 minutes to 30 minutes on the ergo-meter.  After the elliptical I wanted to do the bike for a few but wasn't sure how well I would do but to my surprise I did really good until my toes started going numb so I stopped at 20 minutes instead of doing the full 30 minutes.  I ended up just short of 2 1/2 hours at the gym.  I knew that I needed extra gym time to make up for lack of other exercise today.
I am proud to say that I reached all of my BodyMedia fit targets before 6pm...yeehaw!!  Well I will keep working hard, eating better and drinking my water and soon I will be down 40 lbs instead of 30.  Have a great evening and I will check in tomorrow.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/11/2010:  4409 calories burned, 18894 steps, 1 hr 17 min moderate exercise and  1 hr 6 min vigorous exercise

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Great Day!!

Today was a great day!  Work went well spent time in the office then on a bus for a little while then back to the office.  I started working on a new project late yesterday and after gathering material I started a power point on Special Needs Training.  I have until the mid July to compile and rewrite the Special Needs Program for our employees at the bus park.  I will be teaching the class at the end of July.  I'm really excited about the PowerPoint and I'm off to a good start. 
My eating was really good until this evening when we had pizza... I only ate one piece so I guess that's not too bad.  My water intake was very good... I drank my quota.  I had plenty of fruits and veggies.  I'm proud of the progress I've been making and I'm glad to know that I'm on the road to better health.
My daughter Janaya met me at  work this afternoon to go to the gym.  She wasn't real sure about the whole spending two hours at the gym thing but she hung in there and did really good.  I have to say that I graduated today!  I got on that elliptical and did not only my usual 20 minutes but I did a full 30 minutes!  Yippie!  I couldn't believe that I did it.  I am getting better, I evening stepped up my speed on the treadmill today from 3.5 to 3.8 and stuck with it.
Here is what I am noticing, I have been having trouble with my vigorous exercise... now I know why.  My body is getting healthier.  Before my heart rate would go up faster because I was so out of shape I would get winded very quickly and now I'm becoming more fit and it takes more speed to raise my heart rate.  My life is changing and slowly I'm seeing the fruits of my labor.  It won't be long and everyone else will see the change in me too.

Here was my workout today:
Treadmill - 30 minutes
Ergo-meter - 22 minutes
Elliptical - 30 minutes
Recumbent Cross-Trainer - 30 minutes
I hope you are working towards your goals too.  Just remember you are not alone, we are all in this together.  Until tomorrow take care.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/10/2010:  3229 calories burned, 6028 steps, 36 min moderate exercise and  0 min vigorous exercise

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Not as planned today

Good Evening!  Well today didn't go as planned.  I went to work and did spend time training for the bus Competition so I got some exercise walking around the lots etc but I didn't make it to the gym today. 
Here is what happened, right as I was getting off work my daughter called and was stuck in a ditch.  She was headed home and came to flood waters and she knew she shouldn't drive through it so she went to turn around and back to far and the soft shoulder pulled her into the ditch.  A co-worker and I went and rescued her and by that time it was 2:40pm and I still had to clean up my mess at the desk.  So by the time I got my desk area cleaned up it was 3 pm and my other daughter Janessa needed to be at the church to leave for youth conference by 4:15pm.  Because of the flood waters we have to take the long way home so instead of 15 or 20 minutes to get home it takes almost 30 minutes.  So I had just enough time to go home make sure she had everything packed and then get ready to bring her back in to church. Once I got home we had lack of communication and well to make a long story short my hubby took her back to town.
It's been a long and out of routine day.  I know my goal for the week was to go to the gym monday through friday this week but today didn't work out and it wasn't that I didn't want to go but that we had unexpected events happen.  See I knew I would only get a short workout in today but I was hoping for a whole hour.  Tomorrow is another day.  My eating was okay not as good today as the last couple but not totally horrible either.  My water intake wasn't very good so I will have to concentrate more on that tomorrow. 
I hope you had a good day and i will be back tomorrow...until then....

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/9/2010:  4142 calories burned, 16329 steps, 1 hr 45 min moderate exercise and  33 min vigorous exercise

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Treamwork day with daughter

Good Evening!  Today I moved around more at work which made for a good day.  I spent a lot of time training and setting up obstacles for the school buses.  The rain stayed away and allowed for practice time it was nice... hot but nice.  
My diet was good and plenty of fruit.  My water intake was pretty good too.  My daughter Janessa showed up at work and waited for me to get off so she could exercise with me.  I told her I wasn't going to stop exercising early for her and that she had to do exactly what I did.  We headed over and I have to say I'm proud of her.  We spent an hour and a half at the gym and she hung with me.  Here is what we did:

Treadmill - 30 minutes
Ergo-meter - 10 minutes
Elliptical - 20 minutes
Recumbent Cross-trainer 30 minutes

We had to call it good when we got to that point because my hubby had the car and was sitting outside waiting for us. If felt much better today while exercising.  I think part of my problem yesterday was the fact that I didn't have enough to eat before exercising.  I learned my lesson and ate more today and did better at the gym.  Well it's been a long day so I'm gonna call it a day.  Have a great one and I will see ya tomorrow.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/8/2010:  4170 calories burned, 15588 steps, 1 hr 44 min moderate exercise and  31 min vigorous exercise

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rough Tuesday

Hello again.... today was a good day but I wasn't so sure first thing this morning. I woke up late and was really frustrated because I needed to study before class.  After I made it to work I got right into looking over notes etc from yesterday to prepare for teaching Medic First Aid.  I was not feeling prepared for class at all but I'm proud to say that we all did good co-teaching and we are now certified to teach on our own...woohoo.
Class ended just as my eight hours was over so I ate a quick snack before heading to the gym.  I really struggled at the gym today.  I did my usual and started on the treadmill but just couldn't keep the pace that I usually do.  I felt so tired and exhausted.  I fought the whole time I was at the gym and barely made my vigorous exercise target for 30 minutes.  I thought I was going to die before I reached  I did put in just under 2 hrs at the gym working out so I'm proud that I hung in there as long as I did.  It was a very difficult day.  Here is what I did today:

Treadmill - 30 minutes
Ergo-meter - 20 minutes
Elliptical - 20 minutes
Recumbent Cross-trainer - 35 minutes

Ohh another thing... I did the elliptical for another 20 minutes today.  The first ten minutes were rough but the second ten got a little easier.  My legs feel like jello when I get off but I think within the next week or so i should be able to do 30 minutes.  I hope tomorrow in the gym is not such a fight.  Eating and water intake were both good today so we'll wait and see how it goes.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/7/2010:  4289 calories burned, 20096 steps, 1 hr 32 min moderate exercise and 1 hr 1 min vigorous exercise

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Good Monday

Hello there, what a Monday!  Today was a different day at work.  I was in class most of the day being trained to teach Medic First Aid instead of working at the computer for eight hours.  Don't get me wrong I was still sitting all day but it was just a nice change of pace.  This is going to be a very busy month at work lots of classes and training.  Tomorrow I will be co-teaching Fist Aid and then I will be certified to teach the class on my own...yiks!!  Okay so it's not that bad I do like to talk as most of you know, I am better at talking than I am doing this blog  
I told you that my goal for the week (Mon- Fri) so here was day one.  I had been at the gym for about 15 minutes when my oldest son and his girlfriend showed up.  It was really nice to see them plus I had someone to workout with for a short time.  They only spent about 35 or 40 minutes there so most of my workout was still done on my own.  Sometimes I really struggle with the fact that I don't have a buddy while at the gym but then when my daughter comes and wants to leave at an hour or less I guess I'm better off on my own because then I can stay as long as I want to.  It is depressing to me to do it all by myself though.  I am such a team player that flying solo is just not as fun for me.
I've been frustrated lately because my hubby bring donuts home for breakfast on the weekend and I can't have them.  Well I could but I've been good and haven't.  Then they fry hamburgers or fix corn dogs, bake cookies fried potatoes...grrr.  I am having a horrible time staying away from all of this especially because it's cheap food and we can't afford a lot of expensive healthy food.  I have good food fo at work but when I'm home I have to try really hard to pick the best of the worst.  I wish my body was normal and weight wasn't such a pain in the butt to deal with.
Okay so enough ranting already.  I had a great workout at the gym.  I did get on the elliptical again today even though that muscle on my leg is still tender.  I figure if I'm careful it won't get worse and besides if it started hurting too bad I could just stop.  So here is what I did at the gym:

Treadmill - 30 minutes
Ergo-meter - 20 minutes
Elliptical - 20 minutes
Recumbent Cross- trainer - 50 minutes

I kind feel like I need to switch up my workouts some but not really sure what to do.  I'm worried about my knees on some of the machines.  My knees hurt enough when I leave the gym and I don't want to cause my damage to them.  Well it's been a good day and my numbers are good.  I ate lots of fruits and veggies today and drank my quota of water.  Diet has been really good today.  Okay scales I need to see some smaller numbers this week...please!

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/7/2010:  3032 calories burned, 5293 steps, 35 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Break Day...

Good Evening!  I got around 7hrs of sleep last night so I was up and going good this morning.  We headed for church from 10 to 1pm and then came home.  I did a little swimming with the kids but nothing major.  I worked out four days in a row and decided today would be a day off.  Someone told me I looked tired and sick.  I have been battling those migraines and have had a shortage of sleep.  Now that I think of it my left ear has been bothering me too, it feels like either a build up of wax or water in my ear.  So I decided to take the day off from pushing so hard.  Tomorrow is another day.
I plan to go to the gym after work all week bar any great emergency that will prevent me from making it there.  Ohh as far as my weight goes... as of today it's the same as last week so I'm hoping with all the heavy working out that I just gained some muscle and that I will see some loss in the next couple of days.  Funny how that works, gain before you lose.... as long as I  We will see how this week goes.
I wonder if the stress I've been dealing with isn't sabotaging me with my weight loss? I've heard people say how it does... I have been extra strung lately.  I will have to read up on that and see what I find out.
Well I hope everyone has had a good Sunday.  Keep reaching for the stars.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/6/2010: 4256 calories burned, 13681 steps, 1hr 2 min moderate exercise and 38 min vigorous exercise

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day four in a row!!

Today was good, I got to sleep in this morning a little and catch up on some much needed sleep and I got a good workout in on top of that.  I set the alarm for 9am but was up shortly before that.  Janessa and Jamison had bowling league at 10am.  I dropped them off then I made my way to the gym.
Boy I was exhausted before I ever started today.  My body was feeling the effects of working out three previous days in a row.  I almost decided to skip the workout and watch the kids bowl but I knew if I started that it would become a habit.  I stuck to my guns and di the workout.  I did decide because of that muscle in my calf being irritated that I would take it easier than usual; and stay away from the elliptical for today.  Here is what I did:
Treadmill - 30 minutes
Ergo-meter - 20 minutes
Recumbent Cross-trainer - 40 minutes
Recumbent Bike - 15 minutes
I'm glad I chose to go to the gym.  Although I've been tired all day I feel good.  I really hope to see some change on the scales... if I don't I think I can safely chalk it up to muscle gain instead of weight loss.  I feel like I am finally starting to get back into my routine and I hope I can just stick to it.  It's a daily battle still but I'm sure it will get easier again.  I want this to work, I want to be healthier, I want to look and feel better about myself.  Well it's getting late and I have had a long day... have a great evening!

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/4/2010: 4308 calories burned, 18181 steps, 1hr 24 min moderate exercise and 54 min vigorous exercise

Friday, June 4, 2010

Another great workout!!

Good evening!  It's Friday and this week has gone by quickly.  Not only has it gone by quickly but it's been a busy week to.  I'm ready for the weekend to get caught up on some sleep.  Hopefully anyway.
I got out of the office for a few today while I marked the parking lot so we can practice next week for road-e-o.  Boy did it get warm today.
I did a really good job with my eating today... lot's of fruits and veggies.  Before noon I drank some water but didn't do as good as I should have... guess I got distracted and forgot to drink it.  I did however pick it up and started drinking again before my workout and drank plenty of water after that.
Here was my gym routine today, it's not a lot different than yesterday:

Treadmill - 30 minutes
Ergo-meter - 15 minutes
Elliptical - 15 minutes
Recumbent Cross trainer - 50 minutes

Not a bad workout but I did have to stop ten minutes short of 2 hrs so I could get my daughter to a meeting.  I made it 15 min on the elliptical again today but that last 5 minutes I thought I was gonna die.  I do think I may have pulled a muscle in my right calf while on it will see how it feels tomorrow before I get back on the elliptical.  May have to give it a couple days.  Other than that it was a good workout but I was sure feeling the weakness from this week it was getting tough there towards the end.
I battled a headache again today... not severe  so that was good.  I'm really tired this evening and I'm ready to hit the hay.  Janessa's summer bowling league starts up tomorrow morning and lasts for about 2 hrs so that's a great opportunity to go to the gym.  Gosh I hope I can push through another two hours tomorrow.  Well have a great evening and chat with you tomorrow.  Check out these numbers from yesterday.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/3/2010: 4100 calories burned, 16109 steps, 1hr 10 min moderate exercise and 56 min vigorous exercise

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Feeling Awesome!!

Howdy!  I hope your day has been a good one.  This week is just flying by and I'm working at getting back on track.  I really worked on eating better today especially when it came to eating more fruits and veggies.  I snacked on a banana, pear and carrots for the most part.  I drank some pink grapefruit juice and drank plenty of water.  I want to make my goal of at least 30lbs lost by June 15th when I leave for Bus Road-e-o.
Today was another day at the desk working on the computer writing the manual for work.  I tried to remember to get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour or so just to stretch if nothing else.  When I printed I printed at the farthest printer so I had an excuse to walk.  My headaches are still coming and going but seem to be more manageable than last week.  The day went fairly quick and I was happy about that.
When 2pm rolled around I was stoked to go to the gym again.  I was still really proud of my accomplishment from yesterday staying on the recumbent cross trainer for a whole hour straight.  My goal for today was to get back on that elliptical and increase my time that and to complete a 2hr workout if I had the energy.  I did it!!
As usual I headed for the treadmill and knocked out 30 minutes nicely.  I then went to the ergo-meter (hand bike) and did 15 minutes there.  Then I went to the elliptical machine.  Last time I went to the one without the are poles that move back and forth and this time I wanted to try that one to keep upper body moving just as much as the lower body.  I did 10 minutes last time and this time I pushed to 15 minutes.  Wow that really works the legs!  The lights in the gym went out shortly after I started that 15 minutes which in my opinion saved other from seeing me giggle on the  I know i shouldn't be like that but with all the mirrors it's hard to not think about those behind me while I'm on that machine. When I finished that first hour I was starting to feel like I may not make my full 2 hrs goal for the day.  I went ahead and climbed on the recumbent cross trainer and started going in the dark.  I met an older gal on the machine next to me that told me her story of losing 100lbs in the last year or so.  She still has weight to lose but feels pretty good for the most.  She is struggling a bit herself and said that she finds herself eating even though she is not hungry.  Says her weight keeps doing the yo-yo thing up and down 10lbs or so.  It was nice to see someone who has lost what my goal is and also to see that when I meet that my lifestyle change can't end because it's easy to go back to old habits.  I knew that but in a weird way it just reconfirmed what I already knew.
Anyway the lights and fans were still out/off but the power on the machines still worked...go figure.  They must have been on a different breaker.  I visited with that gal for my first 30 minutes on the recumbent bike then she left and I completed another 30 minutes for yet another day of a full hour on the recumbent bike...yeehaw!  I was exhausted and dripping wet but felt good and was smiling when I walked out.  It was getting uncomfortable in there with no lights or fans or water refills that last hours but I survived.  It was a good thing I still had a half a bottle of water when the power went out.
I am stoked right now and my next goal is just to make it to the gym three days in a row.  Even if i don't complete a whole 2 hrs again tomorrow I am desperately trying to get myself back into a routine of going daily to the gym or almost daily.  I would like to be at the gym 5 days a week.
I am proud of my hard work today and my numbers will be good tomorrow so keep your eyes open for them.  As I told you yesterday I was going to adjust my targets to challenge me more on the days I make it to the gym.  I realize that on days I don't make it to the gym the targets will not be met but that is just part of life and I will have to deal with that.  Have a great evening and I will be here again tomorrow!

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3720 calories burned, 11008 steps, 60 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous

Actual for 6/2/2010: 3768 calories burned, 13968 steps,  32 min moderate exercise and 1hr 7 min vigorous exercise

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hit that gym today!!

Well I was beginning to think that this was gonna be another one of those days where I make plans and they fall through.  I had the draggy butts first thing this morning at work and then a headache. I was like crap because I said yesterday that even if I had a headache I was going to the gym.  I was dreading the thought of the gym while I had the headache but thank goodness it eased up before I got off of work. I needed the gym badly today not only because I hadn't been for a few days but also because I sat in the office at the computer all day writing a manual.  My calorie burn was awful!
My diet was much better today and I drank plenty of water so I'm happy with that part.  I left work shortly after 2pm and headed for the gym.  OMG I had stomach cramps during the first thirty minutes or so that I was there.  I thought I was gonna die.  I just kept saying to myself to keep pushing through it.  I'm glad I did because I felt really good when I left there today.
I started with the treadmill and walked good and fast for 35 minutes then headed for the recumbent cross trainer.  I sat down and intended to do 30 minutes there and then switch but in the middle I decided to push and go for the long haul.  I stayed on that recumbent cross trainer for a full hour non-stop!  Yeah me!! Well after that good workout I was soaking wet and I will definately make all of my goals for the day.
I realized that yesterday was June 1st and I said I would up my goals so I will have to adjust those on tomorrows count for you and see how I do.  I need to challenge myself because I am struggling.  I should have lost 30lbs by now and I'm about 5 or 6lbs short of that.
If I remember right I had set a goal to be like 30 or 35lbs lighter by the time I go to bus road-e-o on June 15th.  I'm not going to make it that's only two weeks away.  In order to make that I would have to lose about 4 or 4.5 lbs a week... yiks!  I could do it but it wouldn't be the healthy and safe way to do it.... unless I just live at the gym the next couple of weeks....hummm.
Well I will call it a day and give you my horrible numbers from yesterday.  Hope you are having a great week and reaching for the stars...

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 8000 steps, 40 min moderate exercise and 10 min vigorous

Actual for 6/1/2010: 2733 calories burned, 5189 steps,  20 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back to work

It was back to work today after a long weekend of migraines and no exercise.  I didn't sleep well at all last night.  I don't know if it was all of the excitement from the dinner or what but I laid in bed and at 2am was looking at my clock trying to figure out what the heck I was doing still awake.
For most of the day I was without headache but it finally caught up with me...grrr.  I need to go to the gym and I just feel so bad when I have a migraine I can't go.  I think I may just go tomorrow even if I have a headache... can't hurt maybe it will make it go away and if not it will be a short workout.  My number again today aren't good even though I went to work because I sat on my rear end all day and there was no walking back and forth to the buses and pretriping to do.  I'm gonna have to get on top of this asap.  I know I keep talking and not doing so I better start doing or I will start growing again.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 8000 steps, 40 min moderate exercise and 10 min vigorous

Actual for 5/31/2010: 3029 calories burned, 6580 steps,  37 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise