Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Blues

It's a Monday that's for sure.  My morning got off to a rough start and never really got better.  I'm dealing with a bout of depression and struggling emotionally.  At the same time I'm dealing with the depression I'm slowly feeling better about my weight loss efforts.  None of this really makes any sense to me.  How can I feel worse and better at the same time.  The stress in my life right now is overwhelming yet I have the desire to try to beat this fat hanging all over my body.  Part of me wants to cry from sadness and the other part wants to stand up and cheer for my accomplishment so far.
After my route and office time I went home and did the laundry.... went up and down the stairs a bunch.  I ate a good lunch and then it was time for afternoon route.  My plan was to workout right after work but I got pulled aside by several people then I didn't have time to.  I should have gone right after my office shift then there would have been nothing stopping me. 
My Walk Kansas team is really struggling so I feel the need to make up for their short comings.  Three of our six member team are putting in at least the minimums but that's not enough to make up for the other three.  I want us to succeed but I guess I need to accept things I cannot change and just focus on my own success.
Over all it was a long day and I got the basic home exercise in but was it enough?  I guess we will see.  On April 1st I will be adjusting my target numbers to slowly increase my activity etc.  I want to challenge myself a bit more. 

Here are yesterdays final numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 5000 steps and 30 min moderate exercise

Actual for 3/28/2010: 3505 calories burned, 10,607 steps, 44 min moderate exercise and 26 min vigorous exercise 


  1. I hope the beautiful spring weather can stick around and help chase away your blues and things can start looking up for you and your family!!
