Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Better Day

Good Evening today was much better over all. After a good nights sleep I woke up and weighed in for the first time in a few days and I'm down one more pound bringing me to 298lbs. I was scared to weigh in last week because of my poor eating etc over Spring Break. When I hit my first 10lb loss goal I promised my daughter Janaya that we would buy Emporia Fitness tee shirts to wear to the gym. I'm now only 1lb from my first goal...yippie!
After morning bus route a few of the ladies and I went for a walk. We decided to head for the High School walking trail and I think there were about 7 or 8 of us. We walked for 25 minutes there so that was a nice jump start to the metabolism for the day. I really enjoyed the exercise and my walking buddy "A" as we had a really good talk while walking, it was good for me.
According to what I have learned about drinking of water a person needs to drink at least half of their body weight in water each day. I had realized I wasn't drinking as much water recently so I thought I would try something new. I buy a 32oz Deja Blue water on the way to work each day and if I drink five of those a day then I'm getting the minimum water intake each day for my body weight. I decided to write on my bottle numbering 1 through 5 and each time I finished a bottle I would cross off a number. I'm proud to say I finished all five bottles by 8:30pm hopefully early enough I won't be up all night peeing...lol.
After work I came home and booted my hubby out of the living room so I could have the TV. I did Wii Fit Plus so between my regular exercise and wii fit exercise I managed to get in a little over 1.5 hrs. That is pretty good but I would like to get up to 2hrs a day. My calorie intake and output today was good. If I burn 1000 calories a day more than I eat I should be able to lose approximately 2lbs a week. I think it's safe to say that it also depends on each individual person's body. Well it's about time to go as my armband is about to beep at me to go to bed. Until Tomorrow....


  1. Awesome!! I live by the motto of "Baby Steps". Every little step we take slowly gets us where we need to go just as long as we keep inching forward!

  2. As much as I would love to just drop 50lbs overnight I know I didn't put it on overnight. My goal is the next pound then the next...baby steps just like you said. I appreciate your comment thanks!
