Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wasn't sure I would make it

Oh my was this morning rough for me.  It was all I could do to get out of bed and get moving I just felt so tired and exhausted and sore.  Starting the day off with the draggy butts is not what I had in mind but once I got moving I did better. 
After AM route I put in 15 minutes with resistance bands then my friend "C" and I went to the walking trail between EHS and EMS and got in a good long walk.  It was 42 degrees out when we went and he was wearing his coat but I was worried about getting too hot if I wore my jacket so I left it in the car.  That cool air was beyond refreshing.  He said I'm freezing so I told him to walk faster and he would warm  Needless to say by the time our walk was over we were both sweating even me the one without a jacket and wearing short sleeves.
I just love Aldi stores they do a great job of providing quality products at a reasonable price.  I stocked up today on my diet foods to have at work and I got a bunch!  I did buy more fruits and veggies too, as I have not been eating as many of them as I should.  Shame on me!
This afternoon when I was sitting at the Elementary school waiting for school to dismiss I decided to exercise/dance to music in my bus.  If you ever see me dancing in my bus by myself just turn and walk the other way...hehehe.  Gosh I hope my boss never watches the bus video and see's me dancing between the seats.  I can just hear her sitting in her office laughing her butt off. 
This evening has been fairly quiet so far and I am on my mark for meeting all of my daily exercise goals.  Here in a little while I will do my 50+ ball sit ups before I get ready for bed.  I met my water intake for the day again...yippie!  I love crystal light.  Thanks Heavenly Father for helping me over the hump this morning I needed it.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:
Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 5000 steps and 30 min moderate exercise

Actual for 3/24/2010: 4125 calories burned, 11,406 steps, 86 min moderate exercise and 6 min vigorous exercise


  1. Hey Cheri, it's Mickey. Just wanted to say I'm proud of you for getting off to a good start! I'm trying to lose also, and have gotten about half way to my goal weight. Though, I may set my goal a little higher than I originally thought I would. The first 10 pounds was not as hard as I expected them to be, but then I think it's common to shed a few pounds easily at the beginning. Hope I can stay motivated to get to my goal! Good luck to you!

  2. You're Awesome Mickey! Congrats on making it halfway to your goal! Drop in read and reply anytime I will try and post a daily update. I think motivation is going to be my issue too. Thanks for your support.
