Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Challenge day #13

Good evening all my fat busting friends!! I was a little unsure how today was going to pan out because of my routine being interrupted due to schedule change at work.  History has shown me that I tend to flounder on days like this so my goal today was to make it to the gym if only for a little while. 
Today was School Bus Driver Appreciation Day and after morning routes we has a short safety meeting plus we had lots of goodies delivered by food service.  There were four different flavors of scones, pineapple, cantelope, strawberries, grapes and orange juice.  On top of that we had a chocolate fountain with regular and strawberry marshmallows, pretzels, graham crackers and animal crackers.  No way... I knew this would  I had a scone and plenty of fruit and I dipped my strawberries in chocolate... I was a very bad bad girl.  I regretted it afterwords and wish I has skipped the scone because the little chocolate on the strawberries was probably not nearly as bad for me as the scone itself. 
After our meeting Becky D and I hit the gym and we both got a much needed hour of exercise in and worked hard while we were there.  I am so glad to finally have some buddies at the gym.  I love all the people at the gym and always laugh joke and talk to them... they are my fit  I know that when I am there I'm never alone even though I may think I am.  When I first started going I was worried about being the "fat girl" on the treadmill or cross-trainer.  I was worried that people would star at me but that never happened.  I found myself the "fat girl" on the treadmill next to two thin individuals and they motivated me to work faster and harder to try and be close to their pace.  Now I didn't try to run because the guy next to be was but I felt if he was running the I could walk a little faster and push myself a little harder.  It was a mental thing for me and still is a lot of the time.  My new thing is to get rid of this butt of mine so I'm trying to focus on doing some things to slim that behind and firm the flab.  I realized that just focusing on cardio will help me lose weight but isn't going to firm me up like strength training.  I need a balance of both. 
After our workout it was back to work and then after work was parent teacher conferences again...different school different kiddo but we still walked to the school and got a few steps in.  It's now 9pm and I have met all the targets set by my armband so that always constitutes a good day but with the high calorie breakfast I will need to take an evening walk after this post in order to make a 1500 calorie deficit for today.  I did log my calories the best I could and I'm happy with that.  I have also made my 15000+ steps today so I'm on track for that goal this week.  We have no school the next two days so the real challenge begins tomorrow.  I'm teaching a class at 6am then training and so there won't be a huge amount of walking during work hours so I will definitely have to find gym time.  I won't be working Friday so it will be just like the weekend for me and I will need to plan and schedule my day to meet my targets and goals.  So far so good this week.  Another bit of possible good news... I may have finally broke through that wall I was talking about.  The scale finally dropped 2 lbs below that 3lb variable I've been battling.  We will see if in continues to stay there or drop so say an extra prayer for me tonight that I'm started back down.
Thanks so much to everyone who takes the time to notice the changes in me and make those positive comments.  It's still hard for me to accept compliments but I'm trying really hard and I do love them even if I don't always know how to respond.  You make my day!
In our meeting today we watched a video based on a true story that really touched me deeply..brought me to tears.  Sometimes people just need to hear that they make a difference.  The video was about a school project that positively affects many lives by the old pay it forward effect.  The students were given ribbons that said (don't recall exact words)  You make a difference.  They were told to select three individuals and give them a ribbon and ask them to share another ribbon.  Well to make a long story short... paying forward the " you make a difference" ribbons went several levels and a father gave his son the ribbon.  The son began to sob  when his father told him how much he loved him and was sorry he didn't spend as much time being a good father etc.  The boy then revealed that he had wrote a letter and was planning to commit suicide that night because he felt like nobody cared.  The boys life was saved by one class project of paying forward letting someone know that "you" made a difference to me.  So here is a challenge for you... tell three people how they have made a difference in your life.  Life is to precious to lose one person because they have felt like nobody cared so let someone know how much they have impacted your life.  This person my be the grumpy boss who has taught you structure and work ethic or maybe it's a child that has taught you patience it doesn't matter just let them know. 
Please everyone know how much you all have helped me by letting me know that I'm succeeding in my journey and that those changes are visible because sometimes I can't seem them as much as you can.  The encouragement gives me strength to dig deeper within my soul.  You have been there when I have needed someone to talk to and vent or cry.  I hope that I can do the same for you... I love you all.  Have a great night!!

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