Friday, October 8, 2010

Challenge day #2

Good evening my friends!  What a day today was and boy am I glad today was Friday.  This has been a long rough week for me and I didn't like it not one little  So my mouth was pretty achy from dental  work so I took my TMJ meds and went to bed early.  I was up with no problems this morning but towards the end of my AM bus route I became extremely sleepy.  Not sure if it was a leftover effect from the meds or just me exhausted from the week of stress and illness but I decided I needed to go home and rest instead of exercise. 
After work it was time to get ready and go to the High School Football game where my son Jadens school was recognized.  I was feeling pretty good so I told the boys lets just walk tonight and get some exercise so we did just that.  It was a good game and our Spartan team won...yeah.  The walk home was nice and relaxing in the moonlight but I had to walk slower because it was dark and some of the pavement was uneven.
I did much better on my eating today... stayed away from that regular soda pop and those calories.  I ate a Fiber One bar for Breakfast, caesar salad, veggies and fruit for lunch, Homemade Fruit/yogurt/protein shake for supper and just a little popcorn at the football game.  Ohh and a bite of my son's hotdog at the game also.  So now the chore begins tomorrow because weekends are difficult for most everything because I'm out of my routine.  Well it's late and I'm tired and I have to work tomorrow on a Saturday... need to train a new driver so no rest for the wicked... so off I go.  Hope you all had a great day today and also that you made your challenge day a good one.

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