Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Challenge day #18 and #19

As you can tell I didn't get a blog in yesterday.  I wasn't feeling too well.  Monday morning I woke feeling a little worn out but otherwise not too bad.  My stomach was a little upset like but just chalked it up to something I ate not setting right with me.  When I got to Zumba class I was just way off and struggled through the whole hour.  I never gave up but it definitely showed that I was having trouble.  At one point Amy came and stood by me and made sure I put a big smile on my face and that was a comfort.  See usually I smile all the time and she knew something was wrong because I wasn't smiling.  After class she made sure I was okay and told me she wanted to help by standing next to me because I had this look on my face something to the effect that if she made us to one more song....lol.  I told her that I wasn't upset but that I was just fighting and having trouble keeping up and coordination etc.  Amy I love you and I'm so glad you care about all of us crazy Zumba gals!
After class I wanted and needed to get more workout in but took it fairly easy.  I sent another hour at the gym on the cross trainer and the recumbent bike.  First thing in the morning my armband wouldn't sync so I was exercising blind.  I tell you what, when you get used to having your friend attached to your arm and wrist and one of them gets sick you get totally lost.  That's as bad as leaving my purse or my cellphone locked in the car and going somewhere without them... scary!  I was finally able to sync about two thirds of the way through my workout.  I did however forget to put the armband on my calf while on the bike...ohh well.
 Over all yesterday was a good day but I just wasn't feeling well.  I was dragging by the time I got home and then my chest started hurting.... felt like really bad heart burn.  Just to make sure my back wasn't out I had my daughter pop it... didn't help.  Took prilosec  and that didn't help.  Took ibuprofen and drank so milk and finally close to 11pm it started to ease up.  Man I hadn't had a case of heartburn that bad in ages.  I did sleep good once I got to sleep.
Now for today I felt really good this morning.  It was a nice cool morning, very invigorating.  After morning route I was ready for that gym so I changed and off I went.  I got just under two hours in at the gym today.  I did take it a little easy today because of how I felt yesterday but still got a really nice workout it.  Becky showed up about halfway through my workout so got the buddy system thing for a little while.  It's nice when you have friends at the gym to talk to during the exercising. 
This afternoon I felt good about the last couple of days and keep telling myself that I'm headed on the right path and that I am unstoppable.  I have so much going on in my life that sometimes I don't take the time to appreciate myself for my hard work.  Well I stepped on the scale and it's still going down so I can honestly say... GOOD JOB CHERI you are doing it!
Both yesterday and today my foods were logged and I met my 1500 calorie deficit as well as my 15000 step goal.  What a good two days I have had even with a case of heartburn to let me know that my body is still in charge...lol.  I sure hope you have all had a good couple of days and that you are reaching for the stars.  Take time to be nice to you and congratulate yourself on making positive changes in your life.  Until tomorrow...night all.


  1. Cheri....I LOVE YOU TOO! You are such a blessing to have in class, honored to make you SWEAT & smile!!!

  2. Great job Cheri! For those of us at a weigh loss plateau... what do you think contributed to the weightloss starting again? I have be working very hard for the last month and I have not lost a pound of weight. I need help!
