Monday, October 18, 2010

Challenge day #9, #10 & #11

Good evening everyone!  Well as you can tell I dropped the ball this weekend when it came to blogging.  Weekends are never good for me when it comes to exercise and food.  I need to find a way to get to the gym and get some time in on the weekends like I used to.  I always seem to be so overwhelmed with things to get done  that I don't get anything done....sound familiar?  Saturday and Sunday were neither one good days when it came to exercise.  I did get my foods logged however my calorie deficit was only like 500  to 700 though.  Weekends are something I need work on apparently.
Over all this was a pretty darn good Monday in the grand scheme of things.  Nice weather, good workout and kids on bus were good etc.  One of my favorite parts of the day was going to the gym and having four of us there with BodyMedia Fit armbands on working out together.  It was a great feeling to know that I'm starting a trend among friends and co workers.  We reset our trips and away we went... each at different levels but we still shared our stats as we went a long.  It's nice to have someone else working out with me... it can get very lonely fighting this weight loss battle at the gym by yourself.  Just going to Zumba class even helps because it's a group effort in there.  When I workout by myself I have to push myself the whole time  and sometimes I just need that push from someone else.  Thanks girls for being at the gym with me today... it was fun!!
I'm still not losing weight but I must be just gaining muscle because I am still slowly shrinking.  Yesterday I hid out in my bedroom for a little while trying cloths on.  I put pants on that wouldn't fit me last year and guess what ... they were too big.  What a great feeling!  I'm so used to things getting tighter rather than looser that now I don't know how to act or feel.  I don't know what I am going to do for winter cloths because all of my pants are too big.  I have no money to buy  smaller cloths right now so big and baggy with have to do... guess I will fit in with the kids on the bus...hehehe.  I look in the mirror and one minute I can see a difference and then next I don't see any change.  Do you ever feel like that? 
Well here is what I did at the gym today:
Zumba 1 hr
Treadmill walking/running 30 min
Stair climber 10 min
Recumbent Crosstrainer15 minutes
Yes Becky I ran again  Two minutes walking then one minute running... 30 minutes of this... felt good but wears me out that running it does.  I plan to continue this and hopefully soon it will be two running two walking and so forth.  All in all a really good day.  My food logging is done and 1500 calorie deficit has been met.
How was your day?  Did you make your goals or targets?  If not what can you do different tomorrow?  We are all in this together so hold that chin up and keep moving forward.  Have a wonderful evening!

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