Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm taking a 21 day challenge!!

Good evening!  Well let's see if I can get back to this blogging on a regular basis.  Today my Zumba instructor and friend challenged us to a 21 day challenge.  She stated how making something a habit takes at least 21 days and so we were to choose "something" that we wanted to become a good habit and DO IT over the next 21days.  She chose to work on her schedule and I mentioned yesterday needing to be more accountable on my calories so that is what I will be making a habit. 
For the next 21 days I will start documenting my calories very closely and no guessing.  If I want the results to come, I need to put forth the effort.  Second part of my 21 day goal is to have at least a 1500 calorie deficit each day.  Now for those of you who know I have already set my own 4000 calorie a day burn week.  That will also fall within this 21 days.  Sounds like I have my work cut out for me.  This all starts tomorrow so be watching my blog as I will try to daily inform you right here how things are going.
Because my week has been a crash and burn sort of week I will attempt once again to start my 4000 a day burn on Sunday.  Maybe next week will be the week to really focus on exercise daily without skipping.  So here I am officially saying... I'm taking the challenge... are you?  Let's do this together because we all need help and encouragement on our journeys regardless of if they are weight related or not.  Fight till you win... fight till the end.


  1. your on!! 21 days. I'm gonna need support.
    #1- soda made it 5 days then gave in.
    #2- logging food
    #3- hit a 5000 burn at least one day.

    This so makes since. Because I do really good for about 5-7 days then fall off. So if I shoot for 21 days it might stick better. Please please keep me posted. and I'll do the same. "B" :)

  2. Cheri you and I have pretty much the same goal for the 21 day challenge! I started tracking my calories in May and have lost 22 lbs so far but lately I've been lazy about the tracking. Waiting until mid-afternoon and then being faced with not having enough calories left for supper! So I'll be right there with you on this challenge! :)
