Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hit that gym today!!

Well I was beginning to think that this was gonna be another one of those days where I make plans and they fall through.  I had the draggy butts first thing this morning at work and then a headache. I was like crap because I said yesterday that even if I had a headache I was going to the gym.  I was dreading the thought of the gym while I had the headache but thank goodness it eased up before I got off of work. I needed the gym badly today not only because I hadn't been for a few days but also because I sat in the office at the computer all day writing a manual.  My calorie burn was awful!
My diet was much better today and I drank plenty of water so I'm happy with that part.  I left work shortly after 2pm and headed for the gym.  OMG I had stomach cramps during the first thirty minutes or so that I was there.  I thought I was gonna die.  I just kept saying to myself to keep pushing through it.  I'm glad I did because I felt really good when I left there today.
I started with the treadmill and walked good and fast for 35 minutes then headed for the recumbent cross trainer.  I sat down and intended to do 30 minutes there and then switch but in the middle I decided to push and go for the long haul.  I stayed on that recumbent cross trainer for a full hour non-stop!  Yeah me!! Well after that good workout I was soaking wet and I will definately make all of my goals for the day.
I realized that yesterday was June 1st and I said I would up my goals so I will have to adjust those on tomorrows count for you and see how I do.  I need to challenge myself because I am struggling.  I should have lost 30lbs by now and I'm about 5 or 6lbs short of that.
If I remember right I had set a goal to be like 30 or 35lbs lighter by the time I go to bus road-e-o on June 15th.  I'm not going to make it that's only two weeks away.  In order to make that I would have to lose about 4 or 4.5 lbs a week... yiks!  I could do it but it wouldn't be the healthy and safe way to do it.... unless I just live at the gym the next couple of weeks....hummm.
Well I will call it a day and give you my horrible numbers from yesterday.  Hope you are having a great week and reaching for the stars...

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 8000 steps, 40 min moderate exercise and 10 min vigorous

Actual for 6/1/2010: 2733 calories burned, 5189 steps,  20 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise


  1. Wow look at you go! an hour on the bike! good job! :)

  2. Thanks!! I need to push hard if I'm going to make up for lost time and get back on track.

  3. I know. I see foot dr. This Thurs day. Just think of my 4 week make up YIKS!!! :)
