Thursday, May 13, 2010

Darn Blisters!

Howdy!!  I am one tired  I was awake until 12AM working on the home movie / slide show for the work farewell tomorrow evening.  I am happy to say that today I finished it and have also burned copies for our special guests.  I have been dragging off and on all day today from lack of sleep but I'm glad that task is done.
Work was good and went by fairly fast.  I have been so hungry all day that I feel like I have eaten everything in sight.  I did drink four of my five required 32oz bottles of water so that is a plus.  I am slowly getting back to where I should be.  Now if I can get the hunger and cravings to go away I will be good.
After work I headed for the gym.  I now have blisters on both feet... right on the ball of the foot...grr.  I did my usual 30 minutes on the treadmill but made sure my speed was up to 3.6 which is fast for me.  Then I rode 3 miles on the bike and then 15 minutes on the recumbent cross trainer.  I burned right about 800 calories in that hour... yeah for me.  I just wish I could get rid of these darn blisters.  Sounds like I will be just riding the bike and using the recumbent cross trainer instead of the treadmill for the next few days.  Thanks for the encouragement... I have needed it lately.
I plan to up my targets at the beginning of the week so keep an eye open for the changes.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 8000 steps, 40 min moderate exercise and 10 min vigorous

Actual for 5/12/2010: 3777 calories burned, 12036 steps, 1 hr 3 min moderate exercise and 25 min vigorous exercise

1 comment:

  1. Blisters are good :) It always made me feel like I worked extra hard. Good job on the work out! and great numbers, text me later I have a question about the software your using for your video, It's funny because I'm putting a wedding one togeather and Im so so on the software Im using. Have a great day :)
