Thursday, April 8, 2010

15 lbs in 6 weeks...yeehaw!!

I woke up this morning and was so excited to see the scales...292.5lbs. that's 15lbs in 6 weeks!  I'm on my way so watch out for me!  It's a good feeling to finally be making a positive change in my life and doing it the right way.  I'm not doing things perfectly by any means but I am improving.
Everyday I'm learning more about myself mentally and emotionally.  The discovery of how I'm starting to view things differently is really cool to me.  I hate to admit it but I'm starting to like getting exercise and working out.  Not only am I starting to feel better physically but emotionally as well.  I can only hope these changes continue as time goes by.
Today was a beautiful day!  It was a nice cool morning and a perfect afternoon.  We had a safety meeting at work so I stayed busy this morning.  My sacroiliac has been out and I have been in a lot of pain while walking/exercising.  I was hurting pretty bad yesterday so I set an appointment for the popping Dr. today after work.  I didn't think it was wise to go to the gym after seeing the chiropractor, besides after getting popped back it I was in as much or more pain than before for a little while.  It has been about 4 yrs since I have been to the chiropractor if that tells you how long I have been out of whack.
I did get some walking in today just not as much as if I had gone to the gym.  I'm glad tomorrow is Friday as I'm looking forward to this weekend.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 8000 steps, 30 min moderate exercise and 10 min vigorous

Actual for 4/7/2010: 4014 calories burned, 15582 steps, 54 min moderate exercise and 48 min vigorous exercise


  1. Look at you go! good job. Keep up the good work :)

  2. Thanks so much Becky! How are things going for you? Are you blogging anywhere?

  3. Great job on the 15 pounds! I love your comment about hating to admitting to starting to like exercising! :) That's a really good thing. It's the high you get after exercising that is so powerful. Keep up the good work.

  4. Yes it is... I have been feeling really good after exercising instead of despising it. That's a completely new feeling for me. Thanks!
