Monday, April 12, 2010

Not the Monday I was hoping for...

Good Evening all today got off to a really rough start.  I still wasn't feeling well and didn't get the exercise it that I was hoping for.  After my morning bus route I asked my boss to take off my mid-day office time to go home and lay down.  I came home and ate a couple eggs, V8 splash and headed for bed with my water bottle.  I have been pushing Cranberry juice and water and still not getting a lot better.  My immune system is apparently not up to par.
I slept from 9:30am to 1:10pm and boy did my body need it.  I felt better but not great but it was time to go drive kids home from school.  I was still a lot better than this morning.  My walking was just the basics today nothing pushed and nothing at the gym.  I'm missing the gym and missing the exercise... I'm getting stiff from all the sitting. 
Tomorrow has got to be a better day because I need to get back on track.  I have gained weight being sick and retaining fluids.  Now I have to lose back what I already lost...grrrr.  According to the scale I gained 5lbs from Saturday morning to Monday not a happy camper!  It had better just be fluids and come back off because I can't lose 5lbs as quick as I can gain it. 
I would like to ask for prayers for my granddaughter Sasha.  She was born with HLHS (half a heart) in Oct of 2008 and has been through a lot of surgeries and trials with her condition.  This last week or so she has been having some problems and my son is still waiting to find out what they want to do for her.  She is a beautiful little lady and needs all the prayers she can get.  Thanks! 
I will leave you with the horrible numbers from my couch potato day

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 8000 steps, 30 min moderate exercise and 10 min vigorous

Actual for 4/11/2010: 2652 calories burned, 1356 steps, 0 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise


  1. Im so sorry your still not feeling well. I hope tomorrow will be a better day, and my prayers to your grandaughter that has got to be tough. I sent you a message with my totals for today. tried but no score for ALL goals. tomorrow is another day and the first day to my attemp for NO soda "Heaven help me" lol
    have a great day

  2. I hope your feeling better! We will keep your granddaughter in our prayers!
