Saturday, April 10, 2010

Great Day for a Walk

What a great day for the MS walk.  I got to sleep in until 7:30am this morning.... 9 would have been better.  I usually sleep in until around 9 am on Saturdays to make up for lack of sleep during the week. 
I arrived and got Registered for the walk at 9am this morning.  Shortly there after my nerves started taking over because I didn't know if this was s short 2 mile walk or something as long as 10 miles etc. I was pleased to hear that if we wanted to do the short walk it was one lap that they had marked off and the long one was two laps.  I think their distance was off but based on what they said one lap was 2 miles and two laps was 4 miles.  When I completed the second lap I thought to myself.... do one more... so I did.  I was so proud of myself for going that extra lap especially when I didn't have to.
After the walk they fed us Pizza Ranch pizza and handed out door prizes.  I was the first name drawn and won two $10 gift certificates to Carlos O Kelly's.  I'm excited about that because it has been forever since I have been there. 
After the walk I came home and fell asleep in the recliner....gee that didn't help my numbers for the day.  I'm still battling this head cold and bronchitis so I guess I needed the sleep.  Then I watched my youngest son play the wii.  After that my chihuahua went into labor and I have been cooped up in the bedroom with her all afternoon and evening sitting on the bed with a pad and playing mid-wife.  It's 11:22pm and we have only had two pups.  She has had a long slow labor so far and I was hoping to be to bed by midnight, but thats not looking good at this point.
My eating hasn't been great today and although I did the walk I haven't done anything else today so my numbers aren't as awesome as I was hoping for.  Oh well another day.  I'm tired  but really glad I participated today and I plan to find as many Cause walks as possible to participate in.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 8000 steps, 30 min moderate exercise and 10 min vigorous

Actual for 4/9/2010: 4090 calories burned, 14440 steps, 1hr 12 min moderate exercise and 32 min vigorous exercise


  1. Fantastic choice on the second lap of the walk! Hope the pups all made it out safely. :)

  2. Thanks Annelise, it was actually a third lap as everyone else chose to do either one or two but I went for three. The first pup had been under so much stress that when he was half out he stopped moving so I helped mom deliver him then got him cleaned and ruffed up and blew in his face a little... we saved him. He is now nicknamed Lucky. All three pups are alive and safe.

  3. :) Sounds like a good name for him.
