Thursday, April 15, 2010

Finally Back to Exercise

It turned out to be a very good day.  I didn't want to get out of bed this morning but I'm sure glad I did.  The meds are kicking in and I'm finally starting to feel better.  My husband bless his heart fixed me biscuits and gravy for breakfast so food wise I didn't get off to a good start but they did taste 
It was a day of work as usual and I was feeling better so I brought my gym cloths in hopes of heading for the gym.  The weather was just perfect today and I probably should have walked outside instead of going to the gym but hey I do have to get my moneys worth. 
After work I changed and was ready to go to the gym and realized that I left my earbuds in my car and the hubby had it.   I will tell you this, never go exercise without a buddy if you don't have your music.  That was the longest hour at the gym I've had.  I like having the music to help me keep pace and stay moving.  I had to keep myself moving and I found it hard to get myself in a zone.  I did manage to do 35 min on the treadmill before my toes cramped up.  Then I went to the recumbent bike and did about 15 or 20 min.  Because this was my first day working out since being sick I didn't push myself quite as hard as I usually do.  I did feel really good when I was done.
In the next few days I will go back to the chiropractor to get adjusted again.  I was in a lot of pain for the first 20 minutes on the treadmill  and then it eased up.  I'm glad that I'm feeling better and I can get back to becoming fit. 

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 8000 steps, 30 min moderate exercise and 10 min vigorous

Actual for 4/14/2010: 3357 calories burned, 6184 steps, 51 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise


  1. I agree about the music. I've mostly walked on the treadmill watching tv shows I've recorded and that works great. But since starting to run outside, I LOVE doing it to some jammin' music! It keeps me going and going like I couldn't do without it.
    Keep up the good work! Sounds like you might be finally on the mend.

  2. Me too! If you keep time with the beats boy you can move and stay moving :)
