Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hey I ate my veggies....

Good Evening It's been an eventful day to say the least.  Got up and was at work at 6am.  After route talked to son to see if Sasha was being transferred... answer was no.  We decided to drive to St. Louis because we were tired of being in limbo and not knowing when she would be transferred.  I went home and was getting packed to leave and Levi decided to call the hospital in KC just to double check before we left... answer still no.  Twenty minutes later we get a call back from KC hospital.... she is getting transferred.  What a relief!
Well the only exercise I got was walking at work and  in and out of the hospital and through the halls...woohoo!  If I had known what the day was going to be like I could have ran to the gym before we left and got in a little cardio but everything was such a mess.  I'm glad it all worked out!  Levi really needs to be with his daughter right now....she is the apple of his eye!  I wish we could afford to just stay here with her all the time but we can't.
Hey I ate my veggies today does that count for anything?  Oh and I almost forgot.... I weighed in and I am officially 286 lbs.... down 21.5lbs.  If working out 2 hrs a day helps that much come off that quick I would like a room at the gym please.  I will move out in a month after I have shed  I am excited to lose each and every pound or two or three.  I know my numbers the next few days won't be what they should and I know making my targets will be basically impossible while I'm here but I won't be here forever and I can just watch what I eat and do the best I can.
Tomorrow will be a long day and it's after 11pm so I should probably get headed for the night.  Keep the prayers coming and chat with you all again tomorrow.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 8000 steps, 40 min moderate exercise and 10 min vigorous

Actual for 4/27/2010: 3440 calories burned, 9816 steps, 55 min moderate exercise and 30 min vigorous exercise

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