Thursday, April 1, 2010

Things are looking up

Hello again today was much better than yesterday.  After syncing my armband last night before bed I realized part of my problem yesterday.  Although I was in bed for over six hours the night before I only managed to get 4 hrs of sleep so that explains at least part of why I was lethargic. 
When I started a little over five weeks ago it was a struggle to reach my calorie burn for the day.  I am starting to notice some changes in my calorie burn.  I broke it all down and if I was at 1500 at noon and 3000 by 6pm I could reach the daily burn.  What I am seeing now is that my body seems to be burning calories at a slightly faster rate.  Basically I'm reaching 1500 burn between 10 & 12 as opposed to 12 & 2pm.  Does this mean that I'm gaining some muscle since muscle burns more calories than fat or is my metabolism starting to work a little better or both?  Either way I feel it's a move in the right direction.
Today was another beautiful day outside even though the wind was very strong.  It's hard to feel bad when it's so pretty and nice outside.  I should have cleaned my car out...all I would have to do is open all the doors and let the wind help  Sounds like a great idea except i would end up in jail for littering then I would lose my job and so on... good thing I didn't make that choice.  I can clean the car tomorrow.
My eating habits were good today.  I didn't feel nearly as hungry as I did yesterday.  Maybe the reason I was so hungry was because my body needed energy and since I didn't get it from sleep the night before it wanted it from food.  Can that be possible? 
After work today Janaya and I went to Emporia Fitness to workout.  I put in 30 minutes on the treadmill but didn't push myself extremely hard because I think I popped my big toe out of socket because it was hurting really bad.  A couple hours later my toe was fine.  After the treadmill I got 15 min in on the cross trainer and called it good for the day.  My knees were killing me and it was a struggle to fight through the pain.   I do plan to hit the gym again tomorrow and hopefully earlier in the day.
Success will come from baby steps and doing too much too fast and getting hurt will do nothing but discourage me.  I know the phrase "no pain no gain" and I believe in it so please don't think I'm giving up because of pain.  I have given birth to six kids 100% natural with no pain killers etc so this is nothing, I just don't want to disable myself and have to start all over again.  Slow and steady wins the race.

Here are yesterdays final numbers:

Targets set by Armband: 3303 calories burned, 5000 steps and 30 min moderate exercise

Actual for 3/31/2010: 3630 calories burned, 8,980 steps, 37 min moderate exercise and 0 min vigorous exercise


  1. Hi Cheri, I just found your blog today on the bodymedia fb page and read through your posts. Sounds like you are doing great and on the right track to success. I'm on the same track as you and got my BodyMedia GoWearFit or whatever they're calling it now, back in mid-February. I love how it helps me stay accountable and know exactly where I'm at each day. I too am blogging about my journey and would love to share my journey with you. Hopefully, I can encourage you as well. I started my journey the beginning of December and am down 57 pounds and feeling superb with my success, body and mind. I hope you get a chance to check some of my writings,

    Keep on keepin' on and stay strong!

  2. Cheri, I to found you on FB. thanks for inviting us to join your journey. I too have been using the gwf and still struggling with the numbers. I haven't lost any weight yet, :( but still trying to figure things out. Im having a hard time reaching my burn calories. I would do an hour on the treadmill 30 min vg and 30 min mod. my goal is 3000 cal burn and I still don't reach it. I have a desk job, but even today I have been working in the yard pretty much non stop and I'm only at 2122 grrr. Any sugestion?

  3. Becky I'm still very new to all of this and learning the whole number thing myself. I drive a School Bus in the morning and afternoon but during the mid-day I'm in the office just like you. What I have been doing is just walk fast when I go to and from my bus and the building or the car etc. When I have 5 minutes at the school between routes I do stretches or punches just something to make me move even for a couple min here and there. Drinking lots and lots of water and crystal light have been my friend to because I have to run potty all the When I am on my bus or during office time I reset my trip and watch the calories because it says how many calories I'm burning per min. I try to be very conscious about never letting it go below 2 or 2.5. Another thing I do is when I'm on the treadmill I reset the trip to see my actual calorie burn and I make sure I keep my arms moving while walking. I see so many people walking with their arms down at their sides. I have always been taught to walk with my hands in a skiing position with thumbs up. My daughter thinks I look funny but my arms moving seems to help my legs move and I'm always giving a thumbs I don't know if any of this will work for you or help but please stay in touch and let me know. Please feel free to add me as a facebook friend or follow me here on the blog. Good Luck!
